当グループの企業向けプログラムではニーズに合わせて教育的で、楽しさ溢れる時間を提供しております。非営利団体・多国籍企業の教育研修、即興鑑賞など目的は何でも構いません。みなさまに合うプランをご用意しております。ベーシックプランを以下にいくつかご紹介します。その他ご質問等ございましたら、こちらまでご連絡ください。info@japancomedy.com(日本語 / 英語)
The Pirates of Tokyo Bay's corporate programs can provide an informative and – most importantly – hilarious afternoon or evening of comedy programming specifically tailored to your company’s needs! Whether your company is a small nonprofit or a multinational corporation, looking for an educational experience or just want to kick back and enjoy a show, the Pirates can put together a package that works for you. What you see below are just some basic services we offer. Feel free to email us if you have questions in English or Japanese. info@japancomedy.com
30/60/90 - エンタメ要素満載の人気プラン!即興パフォーマーのトップチームによるインタラクティブで夢中になる即興ライブ!思い出に残る30分、60分もしくは90分をお届けします!(見積もりGET!)
30/60/90 – Our most popular entertainment product! Our top team of improv actors will descend upon your event and put on an immersive, interactive improv show for your organization or event! A hilarious, unforgettable 30, 60, or 90 minutes! (GET A QUOTE!)
This Is Your Life! - 忘年会や送別会といった特別なイベントにはもってこいのプランです。受賞歴のある即興パフォーマーたちが、イベントの主役に起こった本当の出来事をその場で再現してみせます!(見積もりGET!)
This is Your Life! – Based on one of our most popular games from our bilingual show, our award winning team of improvisers will use true stories from your event’s VIP and turn them into comedy gold. Great for bōnenkais, sayonara parties, and other special events, this show will make your personnel the star of the show. (GET A QUOTE!)
カスタムライブ - 企業・団体様に合わせた60分の即興コメディライブをプロデュースいたします!例えば、カスタマーサービスについて伝えたいメッセージやその場の雰囲気を盛り上げたい、などのご要望があればお任せください!(見積もりGET!)
Customized Comedy Show – We’ll write and produce an interactive 60 minute-long improv comedy show tailored specifically to your organization! Have a message you want to impart about customer service in a fun entertaining way? Want to lighten the mood by allowing us to have fun with your organization? We got you covered! (GET A QUOTE!)
イベント司会 - イベントMCのご要望はこちら! (見積もりGET!)
Event Emcee – We can send a professional to Emcee your event! (GET A QUOTE!)
Don’t see what you’re looking for? We got you covered! Contact us and let us know how we can help!
Please note: all private shows come with a strict cancellation policy.
お問い合わせ / CONTACT
Mike Staffa (日本語・English)
クライアント / Clients
“我社特有の「あるある」を即興で取り入れて笑いにしてしまう、盛り上がりました!同僚に「今までで一番おもしろい」クリスマスパーティだったと感想をもらい、 「パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾」知っててよかったと思いました。
The Best Christmas Party ever! We all enjoyed the show & especially when the Pirates made a story out of a situation we often have in the office – that was a great moment that we all shared laughing.”
Our team dinner was made even more with the Pirates. They engaged the audience so well & I was amused when my friends got pulled up as part of the act. We still reminisce and laugh about it today.”
The Pirates put together a great show specifically tailored to our audience of international university students. Their high energy & professionalism allowed them to engage with the audience nicely.”