Read our commitment to the safety of our audience, performers, venue staff and community during COVID-19.
Read our commitment to the safety of our audience, performers, venue staff and community during COVID-19.
We had a great year!
2019 is almost over and before we look forward to 2020, we want to look back on what a busy year it was for the Pirates. 2019 was our year to travel all over the world to bring our style of fun, energy and improvised comedy to fans new and old.
2019 by the numbers:
1802: Tickets sold to a Pirates event
15: Shows featuring Pirates (11 in Tokyo, 4 overseas)
4: Countries visited by Pirates (Japan, Singapore, Philippines, India)
We hope everyone has a great end of the year and is ready for an amazing 2020. We have some big things planned for 2020 and we hope you all will be there to cheer us on. We will be there to perform for you and make you laugh!
愛をこめて by パイレーツ
パイレーツ忘年会 🎉 From our family to yours, wishing you a happy end to 2019!
Every two years, improv groups from around the world travel to Manila to perform in the Manila Improv Festival. The Pirates of Tokyo Bay have been lucky enough to attend the festival every time since 2013.
The festival is produced by Third World Improv (TWI). Set up in 2015 by Gabe Mercado and the members of the pioneering improv group SPIT, Third World Improv is the first school in the Philippines dedicated to teaching the art and craft of improvisational theater.. Third World Improv aims to produce improv practitioners who are authentic, innovative, culturally and socially relevant and a lot of fun.
The PETA Theater Center is hosting the 2019 Manila Improv Festival. The festival promises you the best of improvisational comedy with improv groups from all over the Philippines and the globe. Now on its 5th year, the audience can expect unscripted fun and laughter. Don’t miss these five days of improv performances, workshops, and exhibits at Asia’s biggest improv festival on March 27 to 31, 2019!
Our performances will be on Friday, March 29th and Saturday, March 30th at 8pm on the Viola Spolin stage. Get your tickets at Ticket2Me and search “MIF”.
Below is a (shaky) video from our 2017 performance in Manila to get you excited for our 2019 shows. See you in the Philippines!
❤️ Pirates
The Pirates of Tokyo Bay, a Tokyo comedy group, has been performing across Tokyo since 2010. The first year of shows the improv comedy group performed at the Pink Cow in Shibuya and at the Tokyo Impro Festival put on by our friends at ImproJapan. From that first year joining the bustling Tokyo comedy scene, the Pirates worked hard to put on bilingual (Japanese and English) improv comedy shows, something that was new to Tokyo.
Photo by: Javier Ibarra
「Got your back!」
「Got your back!」には、
YouTuber・”バイリンガール”ことチカさんに私たちがお会いしてから5年以上が経ちますが、その間に何回かタッグを組むこともありました。一番最近では、「HELP me TRAVEL」発売記念イベントのお手伝いとしてアクティビティに参加してきたことです。この日は、海外で起こり得るシチュエーションをちか友のみなさんとロールプレイング。ちか友みなさんの挑戦していく姿に、私たちも刺激を受けました。今後も何らかの形でチカさんとコラボすることがあるかもしれません。その時はまたお知らせします。「HELP me TRAVEL」はこちらから要チェック http://www.j-n.co.jp/books/?goods_code=978-4-408-33814-9!
Photo by: Sho Takiguchi
The Pirates of Tokyo Bay are excited to announce our support and sponsorship of SMASH CABARET. They put on amazing music-focused shows and we are happy to support their growth. Our sponsorship is more than just financial support, when needed, we will offer our advice and support so they can continue to put on amazing shows for audiences across Tokyo.
The Pirates have come a long way in just 8 years in Tokyo. 175 shows, 16 international tours to 10 countries. We pride ourselves on putting on top quality shows and events. It is a similar drive for quality production that drew our eye to SMASH CABARET. In addition, the mission statement of the Pirates is: To get everyone, regardless of their native language, to laugh! We feel the musical performances at SMASH CABARET align with our mission statement in that everyone in the audience, Japanese or foreigner, can enjoy the music sung so beautifully by the performers at SMASH CABARET.
We encourage everyone to check out SMASH CABARET at their website: https://smashcabaret.com/ and you never know, you might catch a member of the Pirates performing at a show, or even the entire Pirates group joining to sing an improvised song!
Photo by: Sho Takiguchi
Photo by: Takashi Nakamura
パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾は、SMASH CABARETに対してスポンサーとして支援することを決定しました。SMASH CABARETとは、NYに数あるキャバレー・ショーにインスピレーションを受けて立ち上げた「ミュージカル・スター発掘オーディション・ショー」です。これからは、東京での演劇コミュニティの発展に私たちも応援します。私たちもただサポートするだけでなく、必要があればお客様がワクワクするノウハウも提供できるようにスタンバイしております。4月30日(月)、下北沢でのSMASH CABARETをぜひチェックしてくださいね!
これまで約8年間に渡り、私たちは公演175回(10カ国への海外ツアー16回を含む)を成し遂げてきました。そして毎回、最高品質のショーとイベントをお客様に提供できるよう心がけています。SMASH CABARETのショーにも似たような意気込みがあり、それが私たちの目を引きました。私たちの団体理念でもある、「言語が違えど、皆さまを笑いの渦に巻き込みます!」。SMASH CABARETの身近に感じられるミュージカル・パフォーマンスも、言語関係なく誰もが楽しめるという点では、私たちと同じように感じています。
SMASH CABARETの公式ウェブサイトはこちら!https://smashcabaret.com/ もしかしたら、知っているパイレーツメンバーが歌っているかもしれません。。。。あるいはいつか私たちグループ全員で歌ってるかも!
The Pirates of Tokyo Bay, a bilingual improv comedy group based in Tokyo, is having open auditions for new members. The group tours regularly (Singapore, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Hawaii, NYC, Germany, and more) and performs monthly in Tokyo.
The Pirates are known for their high energy shows that are performed in both English and Japanese. We are looking for new members to join us. No experience in necessary and you do not need to be bilingual to audition. If you have ever wanted to make hundreds of people laugh, join us!
Auditions will be on Sunday, May 13th in Shinjuku. Visit www.piratesoftokyobay.com/auditions for more info and sign up to audition.
♡ Pirates
2017 is almost over and before we look forward to 2018, we want to look back on what a busy year it was for the Pirates. 2017 was our year to travel all over the world to bring our style of fun, energy and improvised comedy to fans new and old.
2017 by the numbers:
We hope everyone has a great end of the year and is ready for an amazing 2018. We have some big things planned for 2018 and we hope you all will be there to cheer us on. We will be there to perform for you and make you laugh!
♡ Pirates
愛をこめて by パイレーツ
早割チケットはこちらから販売中 http://potb7.peatix.com
All photos by ©Michael Holmes
早割チケット: 2,500円(11月18日まで)
通常チケット: 3,000円
当日チケット: 3,000円
購入URL : http://potb7.peatix.com
場所:スーパー・デラックス — 〒106–0031 東京都港区西麻布3–1–25 B1F
URL : http://www.piratesoftokyobay.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TokyoImprov/about/?ref=page_internal
We are extremely excited to announce that our Android app is now available for download! Like our iOS app, you can use it to vote during shows, check out the setlist and performers in the show, view our schedule and get our LINE stickers! Shout out to our developer and Osaka Pirate member, Kwame for building this app! Enjoy and see you at the next show.
Improvisational comedy is a challenging skill to pick up even in your native language. So how do you do it in two languages? The Pirates of Tokyo Bay have been pulling it off for nearly seven years — here are six quick tips that will help you get any audience rolling in the aisles!
Different audiences laugh at different things — physical vs. political humor. Everyone laughs at awkward romantic scenes. Gauge your audience at the start of each show. Use the intro or first games to see if the audience consists of more speakers of one language or another and tailor your scenes and characters accordingly.
Break up linguistically heavy games with physical humor that everyone can enjoy with minimal effort.
Mixing cultural points is also important. Play a character from your neighborhood who just happens to speak fluently in another language. This creates depth and avoids repeating things we’ve seen or done before.
Different cultures means less shared cultural references. You need to trust your partner even more.
Take your characters to Family Mart, not Tim Hortons.
Sure it’s impressive when a character switches seamlessly from one language to another, but rather than show off, use your ability to show what’s similar or different between the two languages by honestly emphasizing your and others’ mistakes. The audience has more than likely been in your exact position before, and being relatable and realistic and humble all at the same time is usually more satisfying in the end for everyone involved.
Check out our TED@Tokyo talk “Why you won’t die on stage” about bilingual improv.
Interested to see how the Pirates of Tokyo Bay pull it all off? Our next show is on October 29, 2017 in Ebisu, Tokyo. It’s our annual cancer charity fundraising show. Details and ticket information here.
Our last show of the year (and our biggest) will be our seventh anniversary show in Roppongi on December 3. Details and ticket information here!
(Photos by Michael Holmes)
Article source: https://allabout-japan.com/en/article/5834
You are cordially invited to POTB's 7th Anniversary Show!
Hark, what's a POTB, you say?
Why, good sir or madam, just the Pirates of Tokyo Bay, Tokyo's ONE AND ONLY bilingual improv comedy group!
We've been alive and kicking around Kanto ever since the dark days of 2010 and it's now time to celebrate with abandon 7 years of keeping everyone in Kanto laughing, regardless of their language.
For our 7 YEAR ANNIVERSARY, we're going all out!
Be sure to FOLLOW US for updates and videos as the event gets closer!
As always, every show is new and different thanks to you, the audience! We'll be taking your ideas, suggestions and bullshit throughout the entire show so come ready to scream and shout in ENGLISH AND JAPANESE!
LIMITED TICKETS are ON SALE NOW at http://potb7.peatix.com so be sure to grab a seat ahead of time for the BIGGEST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE!*.
Sunday, December 3rd
6:30pm doors
7:30pm START
¥3,000 gets you in and ONE FREE DRINK!! ***Early Bird Discount Available Until Nov 18!
Food available!
Buy tickets at the door or in advance at Peatix: http://potb7.peatix.com
♥ Pirates
よくぞ聞いてくれました!POTBとはPirates of Tokyo Bay(日本語表記:パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾)の略語でございます。そして私たちは東京でたった一つの日本語・英語即興コメディグループなのです!
日程: 12月3日(日)
開場: 18時30分
開演: 19時30分
場所: スーパー・デラックス - 〒106−0031 東京都港区西麻布3-1-25 B1F
電話: 03ー5412ー0515
料金: 3000円(湾ドリンク付き) **11月18日(土)までは早割の2500円で発売!
♥ パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾
The Pirates of Tokyo Bay, Japan’s bilingual improv comedy group, is honored to join forces with the University of Pennsylvania’s Basser Center, to put on a charity comedy show in Tokyo where all proceeds go to the Center’s breast cancer research. Ticket details here.
Show details:
Sunday, August 13th
6:30pm at What the Dickens in Ebisu
Every year the Pirates have put on cancer charity shows supporting Livestrong Japan, Over Cancer Together and as the Pirates brand grows, the group is continually looking for more ways to give back to the community. We are using what we do best, improv comedy, to bring smiles to those involved with the serious fight against cancer and we couldn’t be more honored to do so.
If you are interested in working with us, contact us here or sponsor us.